
Pencil drawing of anole lizard perched on wooden gate
Hello Neighbor
A graphite piece
Drawing in colored pencil of a halved grapefruit, next to a yellow squash, with a halved kiwi on top, on a blue background
A Prismacolor still-life
Colored pencil drawing of a sunny-side-up egg drawn on brown paper
A Prismacolor egg study
Grayscale drawing of various architecture on a checkered floor, including a staircase leading into an arch, a tower attached to a set of stairs, and a many-columned temple, with stars in the black sky
A graphite and water-soluble pencil fantasy piece
A drawing of several Lego pieces done in charcoal
A charcoal still-life
A pencil drawing of an origami crane and a paper curl
A graphite still life
A graphite drawing of the head of one safety pin and the end of another
A graphite safety pin study

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